Dzilth-Na-O-Dith-Hle Health Center

Dzilth-NA-O-Dith-Hle Health Center
6 Road 7586
Bloomfield, NM 87413
Hours Of Operation
Walk-Ins and Appointments
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 pm
After Hours, Weekends or Holidays
Contact Northern Navajo Medical Center (NNMC) at Shiprock, NM.
NNMC operator: 505-368-6001 (Toll-Free: 800-549-5644).
To schedule an appointment please call:
Optometry: 505-960-7836
Outpatient: 505-960-7802
Case Management Services: 505-960-7844
Public Health Nursing Services:505-960-7840
- Health System Administrator
LCDR Shealyn Lucero
Office: (505) 960-7891
- Clinical Director
Caitlin Hall, MD
Office: (505) 960-7833
- Supervisory Clinical Nurse
Frances Mariano, RN
Office: (505) 960-7822
- Director of Professional Quality Services
Jimmy Billy
Office: (505) 368-7002
Cell: (505) 215-5229
Other Contact Information
- Main Number
(505) 960-7801 or Toll-Free: 855-687-3942 - Automated Voice Directory Number
(505) 960-1801
- Administration
(505) 960-7890 - Administration FAX
(505) 960-1807
Scope of Services
The Dzilth-Na-O-Dith-Hle Health Center (DZHC) is located in the community of Dzilth-Na-O-Dith-Hle, NM, approximately 30 miles south of Bloomfield, NM and is under the administrative oversight of Shiprock Service Unit. DZHC was opened in 1984 to serve the communities of Huerfano, Nageezi, and Counselor Chapters and the IHS beneficiaries residing in the urban towns of Bloomfield, Aztec, and Farmington, NM.
DZHC provides ambulatory and urgent care services through the following departments: dental, optometry, pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, mental health, medical social services and public health nursing. The specialty services include internal medicine, women's health, obstetrics and diabetes education and are available by appointments. The non-clinical services are Administration, Medical Records, Acquisitions, Business Office, Facility Maintenance, General Services, Housekeeping and Security.