Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS)

- 2023 FEVS Results
- 2022 FEVS Results
- 2021 FEVS Results
- 2020 FEVS Results
- 2019 FEVS Results
- 2018 FEVS Results
- 2017 FEVS Results
Lower level reports available upon request from frank.peratrovich@ihs.gov.
The FEVS is an annual survey administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. The tool evaluates Federal agencies on the presence of the specific conditions that are found in many successful organizations. This is an opportunity for all employees to candidly share their perceptions about their work experiences, organizations, and leaders.
The Indian Health Service values all employee input and will use your confidential feedback to continue to create positive changes throughout the agency. The ultimate goal of the survey is to provide IHS with information to build on our strengths and improve some of our challenge areas. Please help us ensure that IHS excels at providing a safe, effective, and engaging workplace for all our employees.
2024 FEVS Results
More detailed reports are available down to the Service Unit Level. We also have analytical tools that may be of assistance. Please contact IHS FEVS program manager Frank Peratrovich at Frank.Peratrovichjr@ihs.gov if you have any questions about the 2024 FEVS.
IHS Detailed Results [PDF - 866 KB]
IHS Response Rate Report [PDF - 1.5 MB]
Headquarters Offices
Office of Clinical and Preventive Services [PDF - 831 KB]
Office of the Director [PDF - 832 KB]
Office of Environmental Health and Engineering [PDF - 830 KB]
Office of Finance and Accounting [PDF - 829 KB]
Office of Human Resources [PDF - 828 KB]
Office of Information Technology [PDF - 829 KB]
Office of Management Services [PDF - 831 KB]
Office of Public Health Support [PDF - 830 KB]
Area Offices
Alaska Area [PDF - 829 KB]
Albuquerque Area [PDF - 827 KB]
Bemidji Area [PDF - 825 KB]
Billings Area [PDF - 825 KB]
California Area [PDF - 828 KB]
Great Plains Area [PDF - 825 KB]
Nashville Area [PDF - 832 KB]
Navajo Area [PDF - 827 KB]
Oklahoma City Area [PDF - 824 KB]
Phoenix Area [PDF - 826 KB]
Portland Area [PDF - 831 KB]
Tucson Area [PDF - 830 KB]