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Biological and Developmental Impact of Polyvictimization

In this webinar Bessel van der Kolk discusses early work in the NCTSN to describe the prevalence of complex trauma and polyvictimization, as well as ongoing efforts to support the new diagnosis of Developmental Trauma Disorder. He also presents a review of the neuroscience on attachment and trauma.

By National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Diagnostic Issues In Polyvictimized Children and Adults

In this webinar Julian Ford provides participants with information about polyvictimization and resources for those working with children and adults in child welfare, medical,mental health, and educational settings.

By National Child Traumatic Stress Network
June 1, 2020
Food for thought: Eating your way to mental health


Diagnosable mental illness affects over 21% of the American Indian/Alaska Native population (SAMHSA). And while there is a general decline in rates of violence and drug abuse, rates of suicide, marijuana use and depression diagnosis are on the rise. Many factors play a role in mental illness, and in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we'll be exploring just one: Food. Healthy choices in food, improved food security and increased subsistence farming may play a role in improving mental health. In this webinar, Jacqueline Gray PhD, Director of the Seven Generations Center of Excellence in Native Behavioral Health, and ANA Grantee, Ndee Bikiyaa (The People's Farm), will be exploring the ways in which you and your community can eat your way to mental health.

By ANA and Western TTA Center
Neuroscience of Behavior Change

UCLA neuropsychologist Robert Bilder, PhD, discusses the current state of the art in both understanding the brain-based mechanisms of behavior change and novel strategies to advance brain and behavior wellness.

By Robert Bilder, PhD, UCLA
Stick with It: The Science of Lasting Behavior Change

UCLA behavioral psychologist Sean Young, PhD, UCLA Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Executive Director of the Institute for Prediction Technology, explores science-based, practical strategies for forming healthy habits, breaking problem behaviors, and improving our quality of life.

By Sean Young PhD, UCLA