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SDPI and SDPI-2 Grant Program Continuation Application for 2025

Application Kit Access and Submission

Further information coming soon.

Webinars and Recordings


Application Template and Reports

The following template and reports must be completed or downloaded and attached to the application kit within GrantSolutions. Review the Instructions (coming soon) and Application Checklist (coming soon) to ensure that you have included all required forms, templates, and other documents in your application kit.

Additional Resources

The following may be helpful in preparing your application:

Application Due Date

The 2025 Continuation Application will be due on or around September 2, 2024. The official due date will be provided in GrantSolutions.

What Comes Next?

All applications will be screened for adherence to the instructions from the Division of Grants Management and the Division of Diabetes, including submission of all required documents. Applicants who do not submit all required documents in the correct format may be contacted to provide the missing or revised documentation before their application can be reviewed. This may result in a delayed Notice of Award (NoA) and/or Special Grant Conditions on their NoA issuing funds for 2025.

The 2025 continuation application process is not competitive and applications will not be reviewed by an Objective Review Committee. Instead, the Division of Diabetes program staff or their designees will review them. Approval is dependent on:

  1. Compliance with Terms and Conditions outlined in the 2024 NoA.
  2. Satisfactory business (fiscal) review of the 2025 application.
  3. Satisfactory programmatic review of the 2025 application, including:
    1. Completeness of information from the Project Narrative template.
    2. Submission of baseline data into the SOS.
    3. Documented plan for continued work and evaluation in 2025.


Please include your name, contact information, and program name when submitting questions.