March 2013 Blogs
Tribal Delegation Meetings - HHS Annual Tribal Consultation
IHS held Tribal Delegation Meetings with several Tribes during the 1:1 sessions with Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Operating Divisions during the HHS 15th Annual Tribal Consultation Meeting. Here are pictures from the meetings:
Click on the thumbnails for larger images.
Department of Health and Human Services 15th Annual Tribal Consultation and Policy Meeting
I attended the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 15th Annual Tribal Consultation and Policy Meeting in March in Washington, D.C. The meeting began with 1:1 meetings of Tribes with several HHS Operating Divisions, and then a Tribal Resource Day was held. The main consultation session included updates on the budget, the Affordable Care Act, Human Services, a presentation by the IHS Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup on the FY 2015 budget recommendations, and a session with Secretary Sebelius and the Secretary's Budget Council. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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CSC Update
Today I am sending an update to Tribes on our progress on handling past claims for Contract Support Costs. Here is a copy of the letter [PDF - 26K].
National Congress of American Indians Executive Council Winter Session
I attended the National Congress of American Indians Executive Council Winter Session held in March in Washington, D.C. Secretary Sebelius spoke in the plenary session on March 5, and I spoke in the plenary session on March 6 and provided an update on IHS. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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National Indian Health Board of Directors Meeting
I met with the National Indian Health Board of Directors in March in Washington, D.C. We discussed progress on agency priorities, updates on the budget and the impact of sequestration, and our collaborative efforts. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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IHS Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee
The IHS Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee met at the Phoenix Area Office for their quarterly meeting in February and also toured the Phoenix Indian Medical Center, which is a site directly managed by the IHS. I joined the committee by phone, provided an IHS update, and answered questions. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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Albuquerque Area Tribal Consultation
I met with the Albuquerque Area Tribes by phone during their recent consultation session with the IHS Albuquerque Area Office. I provided an update and answered questions. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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IHS Tribal Budget Formulation National Work Session
I met with the IHS Tribal Budget Formulation Workgroup at their National Work Session in February where they reviewed input on the FY2015 IHS Budget from all 12 IHS Areas and developed national recommendations. Their co-chairs will present their recommendations at the HHS Annual Tribal Budget Consultation session in March. Here are pictures from the session:
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IHS Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) Workgroup Meeting
The IHS Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) Workgroup met in Denver in February. Their primary task was to review input from all 12 IHS Areas and to develop recommendations on whether the formula for new PRC funding should change or remain the same (PRC funding pays for purchased and referred care not provided in IHS and tribal facilities). PRC funding has increased by 46% in the past 4 years, and in some facilities, referrals now are funded beyond life or limb emergencies. The workgroup reviewed data on how the formula was applied to these recent funding increases, and developed consensus recommendations. Once I receive the recommendations from the workgroup, I will send them out for consultation with all Tribes before I make a final decision. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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USET Impact Week
I attended events during the USET Impact Week in February, including a session on the VA-IHS MOU at the USET Board of Directors Meeting, a session on the Affordable Care Act, and an IHS Update at the HHS Regional Consultation Session. I also announced the availability of the first IHS new Tribes funding for the Shinnecock Indian Nation. Here are pictures from the events:
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MAST Impact Week
I presented an IHS update at the Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes Impact Week Meeting in February in Washington, D.C. I congratulated the Bemidji Area Tribes for forming their first official Area Tribal Health Board. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellows
I met with fellows from the Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellowship in Minority Health Policy and answered questions about IHS. They were visiting Washington, D.C., as a part of their fellowship at Harvard Medical School and are mid-career physicians in the middle of their coursework for either a master of public health degree at Harvard School of Public Health or a master of public administration degree at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Anne Newland, M.D., to my left in the picture, most recently served as Acting Clinical Director for the Kayenta Health Center, Navajo Area Indian Health Service. Here's a picture from our meeting:
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California Meeting with CMS on Medicaid
On February 4, I traveled to California to join Cindy Mann, J.D., CMS Deputy Administrator and Director of the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, for a meeting with California Tribes to discuss a proposed waiver that the State of California is considering for a demonstration project to provide uncompensated care payments to IHS and tribal facilities. I also announced the availability of the first IHS funding for two new Tribes: the Wilton Rancheria and the Tejon Indian Tribe. Here are pictures from the meeting and information on the State's proposed amendment [PDF - 196 KB]:
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Tribal Delegation Meetings: January and February 2013
IHS met with several Tribes in delegation meetings at IHS Headquarters in the past two months. They included the Maniilaq Association, AK; Hopi Tribe, AZ; Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, OR; Zuni Tribe, NM; Smith River Rancheria, CA; and Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, AK. Tribes can schedule tribal delegation meetings (TDMs) in person or by phone through the Office of Self-Governance or the Office of Direct Service and Contracting Tribes. Here are pictures from recent TDMs:
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Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health Winter Session
I met with students and provided an IHS update at the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health's Winter Session course in January. Here are pictures with the students:
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Oklahoma Area Tribal Listening Session
I attended the Oklahoma Area Tribal Consultation Session by videoconference in January, during which I provided an IHS update and answered questions. Here are pictures from the event:
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Information Systems Advisory Committee
The IHS Information Systems Advisory Committee met in January to continue work on implementation of their OIT Tribal Shares Improvement Plan. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee
I met with the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee in January. We discussed current issues, including the IHS budget, Contract Support Costs, emergency services, and the Affordable Care Act implementation. Here are pictures from the meeting:
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HHS Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC) met in January and discussed current issues and progress on their priorities with HHS leadership. Here are pictures from the STAC meeting:
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Presidential Inauguration
I attended the Swearing-In Ceremony during the Presidential Inauguration in January. While it was quite cold that day, I felt renewed energy and commitment to our efforts to change and improve the IHS. Here are some pictures I took during the event (I needed the zoom lens from where I was sitting!), as well as a copy of an email [PDF - 53K] I sent to IHS staff after the Inauguration:
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Update on Tribal Consultations
I sent updates to Tribes in January on two consultations: Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) Prevention Services and Recommendations from the Information Systems Advisory Committee. Here is the link to our Tribal Consultation page.
IHS Listening Session
I held a listening session in January that focused on the draft Urban Confer Policy. This draft policy was previously sent to all Tribes in July 2012 for consultation and was also posted in the Federal Register for comment. An additional opportunity for input was offered during the listening session held during the events around the Presidential Inauguration. The draft policy is being revised based on all the input received and will be completed soon. Here are pictures from the listening session:
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