September 2019 Blogs
Get Ahead of Sepsis: Knowing the Risks, Spotting the Signs, and Acting Fast

September 13, 2019
by CAPT Stephen "Miles" Rudd, MD, Division of Patient Safety and Clinical Risk Management, Office of Quality
September 13 is World Sepsis Day. On this day, health systems are urged to develop a concerted effort on sepsis prevention, diagnosis and management. Agencies across the US Department of Health and Human Services , including the IHS, are collaborating ... Continue reading
Highlighting Resources for Suicide Prevention during World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10, 2019
by Pamela End of Horn, MSW, LICSW, National Suicide Prevention Consultant
On World Suicide Prevention Day, and during National Suicide Prevention Week, the Indian Health Service is highlighting crisis resources for suicide prevention and sharing information that can help those in need. We recognize the impact of suicide on Native people and the importance of including all ... Continue reading
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