August 2015 Blogs
Report Available: Meeting on LGBT Health Issues
A few weeks ago, IHS Headquarters in Maryland hosted a public meeting on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) health issues.
The summary report of this important meeting is now available. Please take a moment to review this report and the priorities shared by meeting participants. This meeting was one valuable step in a process of transparent, accountable, fair, and inclusive decision-making specific to American Indian and Alaska Native LGBT people.
Meeting Report: Indian Health Service Meeting on American Indian/Alaska Native Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Issues [PDF - 81 KB]
Read the blog thanking participants.
2015 Direct Service Tribes National Meeting
The IHS Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee will be hosting their 12th Annual Direct Service Tribes National Meeting on August 26-27 at the High Country Conference Center (NAU) 201 West Butler Avenue in Flagstaff, AZ. The conference theme is "Partners in Progress". In collaboration with the Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee and the Navajo Area, we will showcase health care delivery best practices throughout Indian Country. Some of the discussion topics include the Affordable Care Act, Contract Support Costs, Oral Health, Veterans Affairs Reimbursement Agreements, Generation Indigenous Native Youth Challenge, Recruitment and Retention, Suicide Prevention, Native Traditional Health and other direct service priorities. To register please visit: DST National Meeting Registration or for more information, please visit the DST National Meeting website.
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