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IHS Blog

Yes, Civic Engagement Improves Health Outcomes

Roselyn Tso, Indian Health Service Director

September 17, 2024
by Roselyn Tso, Indian Health Service Director

On this National Voter Registration Day, I want to take a moment to commend the work done by IHS areas to support nonpartisan civic engagement throughout Indian Country. IHS and tribally administered health programs serve approximately 2.8 million American Indians and Alaska Natives, many of whom are ... Continue reading

Lawton Service Unit Announced as First PATH EHR Pilot Site

Mitchell Thornbrugh, Chief Information Officer and Director of the Office of Information Technology, Indian Health Service

September 12, 2024
by Mitchell Thornbrugh, Chief Information Officer and Director of the Office of Information Technology, Indian Health Service

The Indian Health Service is happy to announce that the Lawton Service Unit in the IHS Oklahoma City Area, including Lawton Hospital, Anadarko Indian Health Center, and Carnegie Indian Health Center, has been selected as the pilot site for implementing the new IHS enterprise electronic health record ... Continue reading

August Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer Recap: An Overview of Multi-Tenant Domain Considerations

Jeanette Kompkoff, Director of Division of Health Information Technology Modernization and Operations, Office of Information Technology, Indian Health Service

September 6, 2024
by Jeanette Kompkoff, Director of Division of Health Information Technology Modernization and Operations, Office of Information Technology, Indian Health Service

The Indian Health Service Health Information Technology Modernization Program hosted the third tribal consultation and urban confer on August 8 via Zoom. The topic was “Multi-Tenant Domain Considerations.” The event included introducing the enterprise electronic health record ... Continue reading

The Importance of Health Care Provider Wellness and Burnout Prevention

Pamela End of Horn, DSW, LICSW, IHS National Suicide Prevention Consultant, Division of Behavioral Health

September 5, 2024
by Pamela End of Horn, DSW, LICSW, IHS National Suicide Prevention Consultant, Division of Behavioral Health

September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and acting to prevent suicide. In support of these efforts, the Indian Health Service has launched a provider wellness initiative to address the unique challenges faced by health care providers at every level.
Provider ... Continue reading

IHS Recognizes International Overdose Awareness Day

Cassandra Allen, Public Health Advisor, Indian Health Service

August 30, 2024
by Cassandra Allen, Public Health Advisor, Indian Health Service

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day—the largest global movement to end overdose and stigma for all types of substances. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Indian and Alaska Native people experienced the largest percent increase in the age-adjusted ... Continue reading